Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Catch Up

Dear all you bloggers,
It's been over a week since I last posted! The weeks been pretty hectic! I've been doing a lot of procrastinating to be honest with you; I have three essays to perfect and two exams to revise for: Spanish Language and Spanish History. Great.
Plus, as I've been home in Wallasey for the past two and a half weeks, I've been catching up with my friends and family. 
Parties, both in the house and in a hall. 
Shamefully I've only been out out once. Unacceptable. 

This is the book that I have to read: A Concise History of Latin America. You would think that it is completely boring to read but it is actually really interesting although sometimes I just cannot be bothered!

Last night, it was one of my closest friends birthday party, a house party which seem to be all I seem to be going to as all the eighteenths for me were last year! 

This was the two Fazza's at Fazza K's eighteenth last year! 
It is safe to say that we have changed a lot although I don't actually have any pictures of last night as of yet but I'll update of how we look a year later! 
Very different. 

It is amazing how a person can change in a year, even within a few months. And I cannot believe that it has been a year since this! It is crazy

So, there is the catch up of a week full of work and parties. 
The next few blogs will be film related: 
Red Riding Hood
Water for Elephants
Leap Year

Happy reading!

faye xoxo

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