Thursday, April 21, 2011

Girl & Wolf

The new film Red Riding Hood is out now starring Amanda Seyfried and believe me, it is one of my top picks. 
I have been following the progress of the Twilight director's film since I fell upon it late last November. From the trailers, I can see a dark thriller filled with unrequited love which is of course something that everyone wants although the whole Romeo & Juliet scenario is becoming a bit overrated (I'm still a huge fan of the genre!) Also, it seems that the genre of the fantastic is back once again with the fantastic one being the werewolf which is one of the new big plots of Hollywood cinema. 
Just think of the following: 
The Vampire Diaries
The Wolfman
Van Helsing

However, this story has come a long way since the story was told to the famous Brothers Grimm by their grandmother in the mid-nineteenth century where a little girl in a red hood goes through the woods to her grandmothers house only to be faced with the Big Bad Wolf.

The truth is, there are connotations of a red hood meaning prostitute as the hoods are what they used to wear early in the sixteenth century. Therefore, the innocent fairytale Little Red Riding Hood
could be seen as a child prostitute full of sexual connotations. 
Now, the 2011 hit film has a hint of sex all the way through because unrequited love generally links with passion. 
This film is no fairytale so it seems. 

Theses images are to die for in the regeneration of the fairytale theme in fashion society, especially the latter with the long white dress that reminds me of a simple wedding dress cloaked in a blood red hood and the surrounding wolves are a touch of reality. 

The film is a must see! 
I cannot wait to see how Catherine Hardwicke has presented the old tale but there is no doubt that every scene is beautiful. 

faye xoxo

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