Thursday, May 5, 2011

Being Healthy

I have a lot of trouble being healthy! I think that I actually need bags of crisps in my life to complete it! Crisps are definitely my weak spot, especially Kettle Chips. However, I have my end of year Summer Ball coming up in less than four weeks and after that, three longs months of summer, which include a family wedding and a holiday to Tenerife. There is no hiding beneath large oversized cardigans for me any more.
I need to toughen myself up with food and exercise and banish the excess for good, not that there is much. I am grateful for that. I just want to be toned. 

So, some food swaps that I am going to TRY and encounter...


swapped with



swapped with 


And then a little bit of exercise for support, which I really need to be doing! 

Summer body... yes please.
Especially with a wedding and a holiday coming up! 

faye xoxo

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