Friday, May 6, 2011

God of Thunder

Two days ago, I went to the pictures with my boyfriend to watch Thor. It was the only film that we would agree to go and watch together from the available movies. 
I wanted to go and see Water for Elephants, but I guess I'll have to wait for that one. 
So, off we went to Birkenhead Vue Cinema. 

Posters of the film...

The short version of the story is:
Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the God of Thunder is a bit too cocky and arrogant for his own good, defies his father, Odin, the king played by Anthony Hopkins, and is banished to Earth where he meets the lovely scientist Jane (Natalie Portman). His hammer is also thrown to Earth with a kingly, godly spell put on it so that no-one but someone (like) Thor can use it. The government gets a little freaked out by all of this commotion of the cosmos and take Jane's life's work which Thor gets back for her. The start of the romantic storyline. 
Meanwhile, there's a lot of commotion up in Asgard because Thor's Odin becomes ill and the evil brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), tries to take over. 
Marvel's production is comical with some great action (although too little amount for my boyfriend) and it shows the trueness of family connection, love and loyalty. 
The only fault is the ending...
Thor returns to his home but now cannot get back to Earth to be with Jane. It is so annoying how films do that. 
Yes, it is true that Heimdall (Guardian of the World's) says there is a chance of getting back to Earth, but STILL! I'd like to have seen Thor go back, or at least right at the end, the last scene, a thunder bolt and Thor lying on the ground. 

It's still a great film. 
Four stars.

faye xoxo

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